Sunday 27 April 2014

Get Ready!

Start getting ready for pups! Pick up date is coming up soon!  Pups are eating Eukanuba Large Breed Puppy food and will be using this food till 6 months, depending. The best food and water dishes are the stainless steel ones. If you do not have a crate yet consider where you will be placing it and what type ie plastic or wire. Plastic crates can be very hot in ths summer even in your house. Size is very important and you may need two ie one for early days and a full size crate for adult. If you will be needing an X-Pen in your kitchen when you are not there you will need a high one as they grow fast and may try to jump it. Pups are used to pee pads on a metal or plastic base for further house training when you are not there but paper works fine too. You can buy rolls of paper ,,better and much cleaner than newsprint.  More pics to follow later today!

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