Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Red Girl and her Forever People!

 She has a long trip ahead of her!

Bye, bye my cute little puppy...hoping  for an uneventful safe trip for all

Red Girl & Orange Boy May 21

 Orange and Red
 Orange Boy
 Red Girl says hi!
 Red Girl after bath..all fluffy! Getting ready to go on a big road trip to Saint Paul with David and Lynn

Blue Girl at home

Saturday, 17 May 2014


Hi All,

Two dear puppies here with me still. One girl, Miss Red will be off to her new home this coming wednesday and as for Mr. Orange...welll.. he is sooo nice that I am hanging on to him to make sure he gets into an active for sure but he is very smart and would do well in field and obedience or agility. If you know of anyone looking for such a lovely boy please let me know.

As you know, the weeks between 6 and 11 and sooo very important as the puppies are like little sponges wanting to learn and to please you especially at this time. Take advantage of this and teach them as much as you can. The basics should definitely be taught now, ie,  sit, down, look at me, wait, come, stand and basic retrieve. Let me know how you are all doing with these, I would love to hear from you.

And do not forget to be very careful where you take your puppy as he is not covered by his shots do not want him to pick up some nasty bug which would delay his growth and hinder his learning at this time. is too cold for pups to go into a lake or the ocean not but that does not mean that you can't try to be creative and figure out how to get them in some water be it your bathtub with you in it too, or a little kiddie pool with 3 inches of water in it or even give him a bath in the kitchen sink and let him explore toys in the water ( Note: if you do this be very careful as he may take a flying leap out of the sink)

Once again..please send me emails as to how puppy is doing or I may start calling to find out...LOL


Saturday, 10 May 2014

Missing My Puppies

Here's to Pinkie, Green, and Purple!
Hoping they are having a quiet peaceful night in their forever homes.
I think their brothers and sisters miss them in the puppy pile.

Thursday, 8 May 2014

A New Day

Just wanted to let you all know that pups did fine re vaccinations. Just a bit tired after from the stress.

Today I am getting them outside for a bit and will try to post more photos taken by a friend who dashed over last night after she heard that the vet's photos were not so good. she was here for a long time and we went over all the puppies very well, comparing side by side etc...

Re food...they have decided to eat un mushed food now! Yay! So it is much easier to feed them. BTW If you have not already gotten your Eukanuba Large Breed Puppy food at Pets Unlimited in Hfx or wherever..make sure you get it asap as it is hard to find and no one keepd a large stock of can order it and this way you will not run out..This food should keep them going for 6 months to a year depending on the dog. Also they will need to be fed 3 times per day till probably 3 months or so...
All for now.

Wednesday, 7 May 2014


Pups were all so good going to the vet and back..a long time overall and much to my surprise the plastic crate with the 3 boys was dry, dry, dry! The girls on the other hand....hmmm... on the way to the vet someone pooped in the was a nervous know the kind I mean...and their wire crate had some pee in it..But overall I think they did very well.
And they all passed their vet check and vaccinations with flying colors.

While I was there I decided to enlist my vet to take pics of all the pups on the table..that was interesting..He is a very tall man and even though the vet exam table is high it was still too low so despite me asking him if he could sort of bend down a bit to take pics it did not laugh...pups kind if look like big bodied short on leg pups.
Here are the results...

Purple Girl the second time first she would not stand whatever I after putting her back in the van I brought in blue girl and looked around to see if they carried any stinky canned kitten food. Found some and this really helped so we re did Purple after everyone else was done and this was the result..still no legs LOL but much better than the first time.
  Blue Girl..oops he cut her feet off! (See why I have to re do these asap!)
 Pink Girl ( she took a nice pic eh!) It is funny as when she was very little she was my first pic and then I had a thing for purple but gee she looks good here!
 Red Girl ( She is really looking good too!)
Green Boy ( I know..his collar looks pale yellow faded and he kept moving up that darn hind leg!)
 Yellow Boy..what a surprise to me..his angles look better than I thought
but once again he looks all body and no legs. This boy has really blossomed and is much more outgoing than he had been. He is just a sweet puppy!

And where is Orange Boy you ask? Well his pics are not worth printing as he was moving all over the place...I will get these all done again and they will have real legs!


Do not ever use the rawhide thin stick type of things...cured in China and dangerous as are alot of other so called puppy treats. Be very careful what you get for treats. I do not use anything but dog food and my own made up liver bits for showing.  Even though the label may say made in Canada it is not necessarily true.


Hi All!
Just a comment re puppy food. I have been feeding Eukanuba Large Breed Puppy Food. It would be good to continue with this food but if you have other plans please let me know ie what brand etc...I can give you some of the Euk so that you can slowly transition to whatever food it is that you choose. Puppies need to eat 3x per day. I have been soaking the food with hot water about 30 min before feeding. I think you will have to do this for another week or so as they do not like the hard bits right now.
Puppies go to vet ths afternoon for Distemper/Parvo so their next shots will be in one month from today.You will need to make your first vet appointment for purchase check up for w/in 72 hours of purchase and then book another appointment for June 4th. Between now and then do not take puppies to puppy classes or in dog parks your training at home on your own property. However you can carry puppy in public places.
If you are a two dog home please consider how you will do the transition for both dogs. My feeling is that perhaps pup should just be learning about you for the first day or so before being introduced to the other dog. However it might be a good idea to introduce them on day one briefly esp if your dog is  kind hearted and would be helpful to a perhaps scared puppy in a new home. But the major help should come from owners not the other dog.
Water..changing water often causes loose stools as does any change really so be on the watch for this, it should disappear in a day or two. Also do not give water after 6om while house training. Pups now can go from midnight to 6 am w no pees in their pen.
Exercise. Puppies seem to be very busy for about 45 minutes and then they sleep. They need this "crazy" time 3 x per day at least. Do not try to do lead training when you first take them out of their crate. I guess this is obvious.
House training: Pups do not seem to like the puppy pads now for some reason...they like newspaper better it seems...but if you are vigilant and pick up puppy right when you take him out of the crate and go right outdoors you should have success quickly. If you let puppy walk to the door he/she may pee on the way due to excitement. So carry and put lead on while carrying and head out..Also move puppy away from poop asap so they do not get a chance to eat it..( nasty habit that FCRs have) If you want the puppy to use a certain spot in the yard carry him to the spot and just walk around that area saying something like "hurry up" over and over till you have success. Definitely carry down and up stairs for a bit too.

Sunday, 4 May 2014

Supplies For Puppies

Hello There!
Yesterday I was showing visitors what I use for grooming and was asked where do you get these items. Here is the link to Rens Pets in Ontario which has a big catalogue of useful items.
One of the grooming items I use is a thinning blade #10 which is great for getting out that undercoat or thinnning a heavy coat. Please note that Flat Coats should be shown as natural as possible but...there are times where this blade will be just the ticket.
Also to be included in my puppy packet is info re "doing ears" ie grooming around the ear area, brushing teeth and trimming toe nails. This booklet has a lot of useful Flat Coat info that I have compiled over the years.
As you may have heard my pick male puppy buyer has had to back out due to health problems. I am looking for a show, ob. agility, field home ( hard to get LOL) But if I can find a somewhat active home for this boy I will be delighted. Please let me know if you know anyone who might be interested.

Saturday, 3 May 2014

Falling Asleep At The Laptop

Hi Folks,
Well, I guess I really am tired as I keep falling off to sleep at my laptop..It's like being a mother again. When pups are awake they require food and attention and cleaning and when they are asleep all the catching up has to be done. Ie washing pup dishes, cleaning the pen they are not in when sleeping, washing toys and towels etc and catching up on the blog. I will survive but I need some sleep soon!
Today was beautiful and the puppies were outside in the double x pen for a while. All the fresh air knocked them out! I cleaned the inside pen while they slept and Aunt Belle kept guard over them. It was warm enought to open the window in their room so it got a much needed airing out today.
Here are the photos from today. Note..I tried on a few collars and was amazed...figured I'd wait till pups would be big enough for them but I had ti let them out!!! This always happens it seems...
I have been trying to find someone to come over and take pics of puppies while I set them up; it was supposed to happen yesterday but she had to cancel.
 You will notice the big step in the room. I used to have a smaller wooden two step puppy thing that taught them about steps. Just remembered that I had a horse step here so am using that with me there. So far they have not gotten on the step but rather reaching on it. They will! And I will be there to see that they do not decide to jump off the other side. Need to make a wood one for another litter.

 Puppies outside mostly asleep here.

And lastly I thought I would show you Ingrid's cute eyelashes and eyebrows!